Bajan Sun Magazine - Caribbean Entrepreneurs Vol1 Issue 8 | Page 49

BAJAN SUN MAGAZINE OCT 2014 Workout Tips For The Beginner 3 Do Compound Movements Beginners interested in fitness can be easily distracted by complex training techniques found in magazines and online articles. If you've never stepped foot in a gym or haven't been in one for a long time, going right to isolation moves that work just one muscle group at a time won't bring you the best results. "The key is to isolate muscle groups and strategically work them through various exercises, angles, and techniques." To get the best results for muscle growth and fat loss, it's best to start with compound lifts like the squat, bench press, shoulder press, bent-over row, deadlift, pull-up, and lunge. These lifts require you to use multiple muscle groups at the same time. Doing them will allow you to lift more weight, hit more muscles, and increase your metabolic rate much better than you could doing dropsets of isolation movements like triceps extensions. To start, select lifts that require you to use at least half your body to do them. You can add isolation work as you get going, but start with the moves that will give you the most bang for your buck. 4 Posture Perfect How your spine is set during your lifts can have a huge impact on your body and the amount of weight you're able to lift. Unless you're a pro powerlifter or are being coached in a specific way, it's best to keep your lower back slightly arched, your chest up, and your head and neck in a neutral position, no matter which lift you're doing. Orlando says that a pronounced arch in the back during lifts can be dangerous. "I see people arching their back in the shoulder press, bench press, and biceps curls. This may help you get through the exercise, but it's not efficiently working your muscles, and it'll ultimately lead to the biggest enemy of gains: an injury." A healthy spine usually stems from a strong core. If your core is weak, then your spine doesn't have any support. When you're lifting—even during movements as simple as a biceps curl—engage your core. You might feel like you're just flexing your abs, but you're also engaging those deep, inner core muscles that protect your spine. 5 Diet Like You Mean It Just because you hit the gym doesn't mean you get to spend the day eating pizza and doughnuts. What you do in your workout is just a small piece of the fitness puzzle. What you do with the other 23 hours you're not in the gym is much more important. "A clean diet is key for both your mental and physical well-being," says Bolotte. "Get your diet straight first before worrying about anything else." The word "diet" can be a little scary, but I'm not telling you to have celery and water for every meal. Nutrition doesn't have to be difficult. To start, get rid of all the processed crap in your diet and eat protein and vegetables at every meal. You can still enjoy good food, but make smarter choices. Instead of having pizza one night, try making chicken with quinoa and green beans. You can still make food that tastes good—it just takes a little more thought and preparation. "Even if you're too busy to make it to the gym, eat healthy meals and you'll still see results," adds Bolotte | [email protected] | @BajanSunOnline