Bajan Sun Magazine - Caribbean Entrepreneurs Vol1 Issue 8 | Page 40

BAJAN SUN MAGAZINE OCT 2014 Let’s talk FITNESS with TA MESH A LEWIS A body fitness specialist who has been training for the past 10 years The Bajan Sun Online Magazine Team had the opportunity to interview Tamesha who was most willing to FIT us into her schedule. See Interview Below What are your methods of training/ exercises? I usually use four methods when training: Training to failure: during most workouts with moderate to heavy weight the set is completed before failure is reached, muscles feeling taxed, sweating and burning has begun. A few sets and you move on to the next exercise. This is a great way to become stronger, but taking the set to failure is even a better way. When training to failure - lifting until the body can't do a single last rep- recruits more muscle and triggers the body to release more STRENGTH- BUILDING HORMONES. In this process it’s best to be safe by using a spotter because sets to failure also increase the possibility of overtraining and injury. Superset: Push muscle groups by coupling exercises that focuses on other body parts; for example back and chest, bi's and tri's. Also research shows that lifting in supersets can be just as effective as normal sets at building strength while adding an additional cardio component. Circuit training: some gyms are set up to move people from machine to machine or exercise to exercise with little rest. This keeps the heart pumping and the muscles working. Work at each station for 30-45 seconds or for a certain amount of reps; keep the rest period short just enough time to walk from one station to another. Just like with supersets this method combines the benefits of strength training and a bit of cardio at the same time. It’s also easy to do a simple circuit at home too: lunges from wall to wall, jump squats on the steps or if there are no steps in the backyard or the hall way, incline pushups on the coffee table, sit ups in front of the TV and the list can go on and on. Drop sets: This can be performed of course with any exercise and involves moving weight around. For example you did 10 squats and couldn't possibly do eleven, you rerack and take off ten pounds or so and do as many as possible with the new weight. It's much easier when using dumbbells so you can move to smaller and smaller bells, set to set. Three total drop sets is the norm, do this to infinity and beyond and you maybe way to sore the next day. | [email protected] | @BajanSunOnline