Bajan Sun Magazine - Caribbean Entrepreneurs Vol1 Issue 8 | Page 25

Meet Alexander Mills A Barbadian born Acoustic Alternative Indie performer for the past six years The Bajan Sun Online Magazine Team had the distinct pleasure of chatting with and catching up with Alex as he advances in his passion and career. See Interview Below What got you into performing? When I was in sixth form at The Lodge School I used to make parodies of other songs to the amusement of my classmates; however, I never really took it seriously until I was given a short solo in our graduation song. Following that, my mom got me a guitar and I later hijacked my father’s too and started teaching myself basic chord shapes online to accompany my singing. Not too long after that, I learnt a couple of covers and started learning songs with my friend Jermaine. Around the same time I also started writing original music with some friends I played guitar with, but it was when I got my first solo gig at the Lighthouse bar in St. Lawrence Gap that I really started to get my chops better and learn how to perform and not just sing. At this time I met Barry Knight, my local manager, and Peter Headley who is an international music business manager and consultant. With their guidance and mentoring I was able to grow to a level where I was asked to perform at the Barbados Jazz Festival in 2010 and I have been continuing to grow as a musician, performer and songwriter since. | [email protected] | @BajanSunOnline