Bajan Sun Magazine - Caribbean Entrepreneurs Vol1 Issue 7 | Page 8

BAJAN SUN Bajan Sun Magazine SEPT 2014 BETTER BUSINESS THROUGH AUTHENTICITY Norma T. Hollis By Norma T. Hollis H ave you considered how authentic you are? What about your business? Not how successful or large or profitable your business is but how authentic it is. Authenticity is a defining issue for businesses in the 21st century. The companies that have found and are expressing their authenticity are the ones that will meet sustainable success in the future. And authentic businesses stem from authentic people. Authenticity refers to being credible, sincere, genuine, trustworthy and real. It is a phrase we heard frequently during the Obama presidential campaign. Candidates were evaluated by how “real” they came across - their level of authenticity. In the past 30 years I have researched issues of authenticity. This has led me to create a proprietary test to evaluate individual authenticity. You can take the test at What I have learned is that there are three basic components of authenticity. I have defined these as Inner Voice, Outer Voice and Expressive Voice. Authenticity stems from the Inner Voice – the degree to which an individual listens to and follows the voice that speaks within. Authenticity is strengthened through the Outer Voice – how you are perceived by other people. And it is enhanced through the Expressive Voice – how you live your life on a day to day basis. America’s Leading Authentic Voice Doctor® Mentor, Transformational Artist ~ Visionary Advocate of the Human Spirit Authentic businesses create opportunities for customers and employees to “feel” and “experience” the company. An example of an authentic business is Starbucks where you don’t just buy a cup of coffee. At Starbucks you get the “experience” of coffee – networking with other people, working on your laptop, playing chess, listening to speakers and other ways that people engage and interact when drinking coffee. Another example of an authentic business is The American Girl Store. This company offers girls the “experience” of being a girl by way of their doll. They purchase the doll then the doll goes through the many experiences that girls and their mothers go through – getting their hair done, a manicure, selecting wardrobe, etc. The young girl leaves the store having gone through the “experience” of living, through her doll, as women do. How authentic is your business? Do your customers receive an experience when they interact with you? Are your employees, customers and products/services aligned? Are you authentic yourself and a role model for authenticity within your business? Whatever your level of authenticity and that of your business, it can be enhanced. Sustainable businesses implement authenticity and thrive. Will yours be one of them? After developing the test and delving deeper into issues of authenticity I began to examine how authenticity could be applied to business. What I have come up is the three components of authentic businesses. A business that is authentic has a guiding Inner Voice - employees who share a common vision and as a result enjoy working together. Authentic businesses have a strong Outer Voice customers who embrace the vision and are loyal to the company. Authentic businesses have a representative Expressive Voice - products and services that live up to the vision and meet the needs of the customers. And when businesses create an alignment between employees, customers and products/services they become even more authentic. | [email protected] | @BajanSunOnline