Bajan Sun Magazine - Caribbean Entrepreneurs Vol1 Issue 7 | Page 70

BAJAN SUN Bajan Sun Magazine SEPT 2014 GOING BEYOND ORGASMS CONTINUED 1. Clear the air of emotional and sexual baggage: Release unresolved hurts from childhood or from previous relationships that have the power to intrude on true sexual intimacy with your partner. 2. Deliberately preserve emotional exclusivity with your spouse: While we may all have treasured friends from our "past lives" or may meet new people with whom we connect, it is important to define our marriage as a special and unique friendship. 3. Revisit your lovemaking language and concepts: While we may never escape the concept of "coming" during the sex act, perhaps focusing on "being" may help us somewhat to move beyond the limitations of orgasm 4. Practice active forgiveness: Holding a grudge against your partner can be entirely counter-productive to the pursuit of sexual intimacy. It is imperative that couples not allow lapses to occur after fights, arguments or serious rifts. 5. Sexualize everyday moments: See your sexual relationship as your ongoing relationship and viceversa. This means that your method of relating throughout the day is governed by thoughtfulness and the expression of desire. 6. De-genitalize the sexual encounter: Deliberately forget today’s focus on things like penis size and "designer vaginas;" a more holistic view of sex allows us to understand the importance of the entire body. Delaying genital touching and focusing on other erogenous zones can enhance this. 7. Open your eyes: There is something to be said for the eyes being the windows to the soul. Sharing deep glances during your lovemaking, when every fiber of your being is inviting you to close them, can provide very telling moments. By opening them, you are risking exposing your pleasure and your vulnerability and you are entrusting this to the one you have vowed to share your life with. Denise J Charles is the author of How To Have Mind Blowing Sex Without Losing Your Brain and serves as Director & Counsellor/Coach at Better Blends Relationship Institute. Follow her relationship blog Red Red Apples, here or email her: [email protected] | [email protected] | @BajanSunOnline