Bajan Sun Magazine - Caribbean Entrepreneurs Vol1 Issue 6 | Page 54

BAJAN SUN Bajan Sun Magazine AUG 2014 POETS Isis Blu If my palms aren't sweaty and I'm not shaking I'm not passionate about it plain and simple. I look the way I feel my face says it all. My smile is....well you would have to see it one of the many times it graces my face in a day . I am a child at heart which I love but I'm also very perceptive and that shows in my use of metaphoric imagery. My poetry to me is: " Energy through Imagery that causes you to Feel..." Mariposa A Writer, Poet, Performer. She uses her pen to tease with her blend of erotic, sensual and provocative flavors. Mariposa is a poet, writer of short stories and spoken word artiste. Her flavor is sensual and provoca ]