Bajan Sun Magazine
AUG 2014
Save Our Shops
Barbadian Village Shops
We encourage Shop/Bar owners (Barbadian Entrepreneurs) to
join us, to work together, to support each other as we are all
striving for the same thing (making a success of our businesses).
We all have to realize there’s strength in numbers and working together we can accomplish so much more. Together we
can create growth and development needed by the Rum
We are striving for unity. With it, we can charter a better
course for the industry. With so many Shops/Bar all across
this island we are the largest daily cash buying industry in
Barbados. The more support you give yourselves, the more
exposure you can generate, increasing patrons to your doors
thereby increasing your profitability.
1-(246) 245-6629
P.O.Box 1151, Bridgetown Barbados,
E-mail:[email protected]
FaceBook Profile: BarbadosRum
FaceBookFan Page: BajanRumShops
LinkedIn:Bajan Association of Rum Shops
Join us as we seek to network with each other and form true
long-term working relationships. Get involved in our drive to
Save Our Shops and change the way things work in your industry!
Connecting Tourism with our Heritage; Traditional Foods,
Culture, Agriculture, Art, Entertainment & Locally made
Products in one tour to our local village shops.
Traditional Rum Shops | Traditional Bajans | Traditional
Foods | Local Beverages | Local Music | Local Art | Local
#Support our #Local Dishes / Products #RumShops & #Bars
Bajan Association of Rum Shops – Promoting Barbados &
Working to Save Our Rum Shops, their Cultural Input & Heritage
52 | [email protected] | @BajanSunOnline