Bajan Sun Magazine
AUG 2014
A Short History of Windows
An operating system is the collection of software that controls how the computer works. If you have a PC or IBM format computer chances are pretty
good that you are running a Windows Operating System from a company
called Microsoft. Windows Operating Systems have been around since “th's”
and you should be familiar with some of the names and chronology of their
On the right is a diagram showing the basic development of the Windows operating system from 1990 to 2013.
The most recent Windows operating system has the unique feature of being
designed to run on desktop computers, laptops, tablets (Microsoft Surface)
and even smart phones. This concept could have many advantages in a technology world where the proliferation of different devices and operating systems can seem overwhelming. Unfortunately, this has required a fundamental
shift in the user experience which resulted in a difficult backlash from many
The result has been, "the biggest product U-turn since New Coke" and the release in late 2013 of Windows 8.1. You can watch a summary of the newest
operating system from CNET News featuring Steve Ballmer.
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