Bajan Sun Magazine - Caribbean Entrepreneurs Vol1 Issue 6 | Page 43

BAJAN SUN Bajan Sun Magazine AUG 2014 EVERYONE I KNOW WANTS MORE JOY IN THEIR LIFE. By Norma T. Hollis You probably answered ‘yes’ to this question, didn’t you? Norma T. Hollis Know that authentic joy is ultimately available to you and you are about to discover this for yourself. Imagine what your life would be like if you knew how to tap into the joy within. Yes, there is joy within you and YOU hold the key to its unveiling. Joy is waiting for you to make friends with it so you can feel happy, blissful, cheerful, optimistic, enthusiastic and successful with a sense of well-being and contentment. America’s Leading Authentic Voice Doctor® Mentor, Transformational Artist ~ Visionary Advocate of the Human Spirit Unhappy with what you do day-to-day? In your early 20′s you created a life path based on your view of the world at that time. Now that you have been on this path and experienced its joys and challenges you have the opportunity to decide whether or not ѡ