Bajan Sun Magazine
AUG 2014
So many shops from so many parishes, and they all have a
new and interesting story to tell. In Barbados it is the rum
shops that provide a personal atmosphere. It is a
wonderful opportunity to meet many wonderful people in
all of these places.
The Rum Shop, an institution of village life, much in
evidence in present society today should be re-created as
part of the Heritage celebrations. Why? As society
develops institutions are created to service the needs of
the community, the rum shop is one such pivotal
institution for our society.
The Rum Shop served as a meeting point for society’s
more colorful members. The Rum Shop is often seen as
common ground, where people from all walks of life could
meet and feel the pulse of society, exchange ideas and
refresh themselves.
dotting the streets and
island’s towns and
villages. The rum shop is a local institution.
Ordering Rum: To get the attention of the proprietor, you
have to slam your money on the counter and demand what
you want.
Quart: Those with means order a quart to be taken home.
Flask: For the less well off, a flask is a small, flat bottle
containing 35-40% proof that four can share in one round
with a chaser.
Pitie, Nip or Mix: The smaller ‘Nip’ or a ‘Mix’ is for
three. The ‘Half nip’ is shared between two friends. The
‘Mix’ is a deceptively sweet combination of Falernum (a
sweet rum liquor from Barbados) and rum. ‘Anba
Contwè’, or ‘Under-the-Counter’ is a secret brew of herbs
steeped in alcohol with supposed aphrodisiac qualities.
Shot: A ‘Shot’ is an individual amount of strong rum,
served in a small glass that is tossed down the throat.
Some rum shops double as little grocery stores, but most
are small, individual establishments. They are everywhere,
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