Bajan Sun Magazine
AUG 2014
Preventing Loneliness Among Bajan Elderly
Today Is As Important As Minimizing
Chronic Illnesses
By Fay Parris
Ever heard it said someone died from
loneliness? This is supported by medical
research which has found that lonely
elderly persons who do not receive
visitors at least once a week, are more
likely to experience more chronic
illnesses and an increase in their use of
health and social care services. These
illnesses include high blood pressure,
depression, arthritis, senior disability, cardiovascular disease,
dementia and glaucoma.
The vulnerability to loneliness is linked to poor family
relations, loss of friends and family, decreased ability to
move around and/ or inadequate income.
The mandate to decrease loneliness among Bajan elderly lies
on all Barbadians and provides opportunities for churches,
and volunteer groups to assist the government entities in
maintaining their wellbeing. As our nation ages, it urges
entrepreneurs to create innovative and alluring packages to
draw both local and visiting elderly towards activities which
can alleviate the loneliness epidemic. Some of these ideas
One-to-one activities such as befriending and visiting
elderly persons in their own homes at least once a week,
shopping expeditions, going to a restaurant, promoting
the use of skype and daily 5 minute telephone calls.
Group activities such as line dancing, ballroom dancing,
daily exercise, karaoke, movies, and family get
Entrepreneur activities such as day care centres,
recreational centres, island tours, sports competitions,
sharing a hobby, adopt a pet, creating assisted or
independent living facilities and villages.
[email protected]
Miss Fay Parris MSc. Nursing-Clinical Nurse Specialist
(Gerontology), MEd. Administration, BSc Nursing Education,
RM, RN. | [email protected] | @BajanSunOnline