Bajan Sun Magazine - Caribbean Entrepreneurs Vol1 Issue 5 | Page 18

BAJAN SUN Bajan Sun Magazine JULY 2014 protocol, that I NEVER got hungry anymore. In other words, over time fasting has become a lot easier and skipping breakfast doesn’t even faze me anymore. So I did some research on this phenomenon I was experiencing and I discovered that we can actually “retrain” our hunger hormone Ghrelin. Simply put (to save you from the mental agony), Ghrelin is the hormone that controls your body’s hunger response to food. It’s secreted when you’re about ready to eat. In other words, you can reprogram Ghrelin to respond at a different time of the day. This process only take a few weeks (sometimes less) with intermittent fasting. Also, Ghrelin is a potent stimulator of growth hormone. So if you combine the growth hormone release that occurs naturally during fasting with your body’s ability to “retrain” Ghrelin, you get a potent one-two GH punch. With this plan, you get fat-burning during one long, 16-hour stretch of the day and lean muscle building with recovery during the 8-hour feeding stretch. This can easily be manipulated into one long 24 hour stretch of fat loss by manipulating macro-nutrient intake. And that’s exactly what we’re going to do for 10 days straight. Rinse and repeat. I also want to give you a quick heads up on a few minor side effects of this approach. First, you may experience the chills and feel your body temperature drop during the fast like I mentioned above. Also, when I get extremely lean (below 8 or 9%), I’ll