Bajan Sun Magazine
JULY 2014
Orlando Blenman, now 56 has been in the
body building arena for the past 38 years.
Having begun his body building career at the
age of 18, Orlando has since been extremely
passionate about the sport dedicating his time
to not only competing himself, but also
training others who have a desire to follow in
his footsteps.
The Mr. Teenager, Mr. Bridgetown, Mr. St
Michael, West Coast Junior and Senior, Mr.
Speightstown Junior and Senior as well as the
Bernard Sealy Classic, are among those
competitions Orlando has participated in and
won throughout the years. Now the proud
owner of the Sundown Gym, located Tudor
Road, Bridgetown; Orlando has brought under
his wings the likes of Vicky Bowman, who
won the National Women Body Figure,
Martinez Durant winner of the Darcy Beckles
Classic, Devon Franklin winner of Nationals
as well as Quantano Parris who copped
second place in the Novice competition.
Orlando being a veteran in the field and
having dedicated his time to the training of
others, he was asked what he thinks about
body building today - immediately he
lamented ‘very poor’! He went further to
indicate that the competitors today are afraid
of each other, and that the young body
builders today don’t like to work hard. He
also exclaimed that body builders today
utilize too much steroids which accelerates
the deterioration of their bodies instead of
going the natural route. He expressed similar
sentiments when he was questioned about the
prizes received by competitors upon winning.
However, despite his present view of body
building in Barbados today, he endorses the
Nationals competition, the Darcy Beckles
Classic and the Bridgetown Novice
competition. He also hopes to see more junior
competition shows for both male and female,
better prizes and that every major show has a
novice and junior show element to it. | | @BajanSunOnline