Q & A with KM Lobin:
Q: As a trainer, what would you say are your
greatest challenges in terms of fitness and getting your clients to be motivated and involved?
A: My greatest challenge in regards to clients,
is getting them to commit to themselves, eating properly and participate in group exercises. A lot of them are feeling unattractive or believe they will be judged by others due to past
experiences. To combat that what I've begun
doing is implementing online fitness challenges where they can exercise at home, they do a
two minute fit test to start, take a before pic,
and at the end of the week repeat the fit test to
see what improvements they have made. At
the end of the challenge is the final fit test and
after pic. This has been more successful and
seems to be more motivational for them.
Q: What are your greatest achievements in
terms of your training and clients?
A: Currently my greatest achievements with
clients have been when they report back on
weight loss and increased energy and are making
For information on health and fitness with
Khari Marcus Lobin: 310 956 0200, [email protected], 11726 Hawthorne, Ca
90250,, King
Mark Lobin FB, King_Mark_Lobin IG, Khari
whatsapp, Klobin kik, PIN:7952BA3F BBM | [email protected] | @BajanSunOnline
NOV 2014