NOV 2014
Caribbean Youth Environment Network (CYEN)
he Barbados Chapter of the Caribbean Youth
Environment Network (CYEN) has been the
coordinator of the International Coastal Clean-up (ICC)
for over 10 years. This international initiative is organized
by the US NGO, Ocean Conservancy. It is the largest
volunteer effort to clean our coastal environment, oceans
and waterways and preserve valuable marine life.
As we focus on the Barbados Chapter of CYEN, our
event has often been confused with the event, Clean-up
Barbados (CUB) which has been around for the last six
years. Both initiatives are necessary and usually happen
around the same time yearly (3rd Saturday in September).
This year’s event was on September 20th, 2014 and next
year will be held on September 19th, 2015.
This effort would not be possible without the assistance of
sponsors and volunteers. The sponsors assist with the
procurement of necessary items such as garbage bags,
gloves and skips and volunteers along with CYEN
members worked F