JAN 2015
By Raeann Beckles
izzy Cheresse Thomas is an articulate, charismatic,
intelligent and outspoken young woman with
positive goals for the future. Standing at five feet seven and
a quarter inches (5'7 1/4') tall; Kizzy weighs one hundred
and thirty pounds (130lbs) with vital statistics 36', 28’, 38’.
Throughout her life, Kizzy has had an interest in being a
model. However, only explored it over the past year and
half. This desire she shared with one of her friends, who
encouraged her to pursue the path she now confidently
traverses. Today Kizzy is signed with the Xquisite Model
Quite recently, Kizzy participated in Antigua & Barbuda's
Independence fashion show which was held on Sunday
Inspired by the infamous Tyra Banks and Naomi
26th October, 2014. A beautiful Independence celebration
Campbell, Kizzy is excelling! As Kizzy stated “they are
indeed and one where Kizzy graced the stage with style.
both black, strong and successful individuals who have
Throughout the years, Kizzy also participated in various
taken their career to the next level through hard work,
other pageants, where she secured titles and accolades for
determination and commitment, this is why I admire
her beauty and brains!
them.” But though possessing admiration for these two
models, it is Kizzy’s upbringing in John Hughes Village,
that has taught her strong morals and values which she still
upholds today. Kizzy also warmly credits her sound family
background for her character and principles. But, Kizzy is
more than just beauty, she has the qualifications which
compliments her package. Kizzy is a graduate of the All
Saints Secondary School and has pursued her Associate
Degree in Hospitality Management at the Antigua &
Barbuda Hospitality Training Institute. Her passion for
customer service has inspired her ambition to one day
become a Flight Attendant or Hotel Manager for one of the
world's leading premium class resorts. Kizzy believes in
the power of her dreams and thus far it has not failed her!
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