JAN 2015
By Raeann Beckles
he 23year old model, singer & songwriter
Africa Fire 2013, Miss Humanity South Africa 2014 and
Katryn Barwise has a passion for performing
Miss Humanity International 2014. August 2014 saw the
and youth development.
crowning of Katryn as Miss Humanity International
She is the owner of Limpopo Beauty Modeling
Academy, which will be celebrating six years of
existence on February 5th 2015. The modeling school is
a youth development organization that offers young girls
from the ages four to 24 years old the opportunity to
build their brand as a model. She trains them and helps
2014 in Barbados. What a remarkable display of beauty
and brains, with a purpose. She competed against
countries from all over the world.
During this
competition she also won the following awards: Best
Humanitarian Project, Best interview, Best Gown and
Best National Costume.
them develop their modeling skills, public speaking
As a beauty queen Katryn started her extensive range of
skills and self confidence. She has various branches over
charity projects in 2008 and has been very involved in
the Limpopo Province.
her community ever since. Her biggest project to date is
Katryn is also a singer and songwriter and recorded her
first album when she was 16 years old. Followed by the
2nd at age 18 and the 3rd at age 21. She has been
singing from a young age and often sings on big stages
at festivals as well as at modeling events, as she is a
respected model in the fashion industry.
To date, Katryn’s biggest Titles include: Miss Limpopo
putting together a task team with the lepelle Nkumpi
Municipality and building a new Centre for Phontsho
Disability. A centre where 55 children with disabilities
lived in very poor conditions. With the help from the
department of Women, Children and People with
Disabilities she built a centre worth seven Million rands
and she got sponsors to fully equip the entire Centre
from kitchen appliances, bedding, school desks etc.
Teen 2008, Miss Limpopo 2012, Miss Earth South
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