JAN 2015
a World
By Norma T. Hollis
magine a world where everyone is clear that they
come with a message and everyone clearly shares
their message. In this world, each person is raised to
know and develop his or her natural affinities to
accomplish their unique mission. Everyone knows
they have a mission, a purpose, a direction for being
on the planet. Each person comes from a place of
authenticity when talking about who they are and what
they are to do. There is no need for doubt, fear,
mistrust or chaos. People are clear about their
purpose, and with that clarity, seek to fulfill their
purpose. On this planet numbers of people fulfill their
purpose, so it is a world with little confusion, a great
deal of cooperation and a high quality of life.
The inhabitants of this world live authentically. They
understand themselves and seek to use their natural
gifts and talents for the common good. They have
learned how to use their power of voice to positively
impact others. They help their children develop their
natural gifts and talents so that they too can lead
authentic lives.
When you see an inhabitant of this planet you are
impressed by their healthy appearance. They have
glowing skin, lots of energy and a positively
contagious spirit. The inhabitants seem to have a
strong sense of community, caring about themselves
and the people around them. It is a positive
environment where everyone has the potential to live
to the fullest and they are eager to fulfill their
contentment and raise the quality of your life. Your
purpose is powerful. Your message needs to be heard.
You were born with a unique combination of natural
gifts and talents that express themselves in numerous
ways. These are a foundation for your power of voice.
It is refined by your experiences in the world. Your
experiences build character and personality and help
make you who you are. These are expressed in your
lifestyle, your relationships, your health status and how
you live your life. The way you deal with your
experiences is a voice to those who are watching you.
What do people see when they are watching you? Is it
someone who has found and mastered their voice and
shares it readily? Or is it someone who hides from the
voice within, fearful of sharing it?
Are you
authentically living the life that has been handed you?
Are you mastering your voice and sharing a message
or allowing your voice to remain quiet within you? To
what degree are you sharing the “real” parts of
yourself with others?
It’s important that you recognize the voice that lives
within you and that you listen and respond to it. If you
are not in touch with the voice that lives within then
you might not understand what I am talking about.
Being true to your inner voice and being authentic
adds to your quality of life. It’s worth the effort to go
find, live and share the power of your voice.
The world awaits you.
You can be a part of this vision. By finding, living and
sharing your voice you can attain a higher degree of
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