JAN 2015
One Trait of Successful Entrepreneurs
he popular search for traits that predict
business success is inevitably and fatally
flawed for one simple reason: it’s not personal
characteristics that make businesses successful, but
their products and services that beat the competition.
presence. Some were so boring they could put you
to sleep while others could captivate an audience
with their engaging stories. They ran the gamut from
geeks with Ph.D's to marketing and financial
None of the great business leaders I’ve known and
worked with over the decades were defined by who
they were. They were defined by what they did.
They were defined by their work. Simply put, they
were better at their jobs than the vast majority of
their peers.
While they dif not fit any particular model, I can
certainly share some interesting observations and
insights that may have influenced their rise to such
lofty positions in the business world.
Other than that, they were unique, and they certainly
did not fit any of the popular notions we hear about
these days.
They spanned the spectrum from painfully shy and
introverted to classic icons that exude executive
For one thing, they were all brilliant. They were all
hungry for knowledge and experience. They all had
common sense. That’s the closest thing to a
common intrinsic characteristic I can offer. I don’t
really think of it as unique because – well, there’s
simply no way to sugarcoat this so I’m not going to
try – smarts are a necessity.
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