Bajan Sun Magazine - Caribbean Entrepreneurs Vol 1 Issue 10 | Page 47

BAJAN SUN MAGAZINE DEC 2014 OTHER ACTIVITIES I am currently Contestant number 4 in the Miss Holetown Queen of the Festival 2015. I would never have thought that I would have entered a pageant but with motivation from other people who saw great potential In me, I decided this was a perfect avenue to promote who I am and a sound level of self actualization. This pageant has pushed my physical limits to look my best in my swimwear segment. I workout 4-5 days a week where I do a lot of weight training and high intensity interval training. I do not eat anything white (i.e bread, flower, rice) to keep my body lean. My dance career has opened opportunities to commercials Advertisements, modeling other people's Fashion Line clothing and several photo-shoots. IN 5 YEARS WHERE WOULD MEGGHAN BE? To be quite honest I want to be in a positive place. The entertainment business has no set pattern or journey planned and therefore I may end up in a place greater than I have ever expected. | [email protected] | @BajanSunOnline