DEC 2014
By Raeann Beckles
“I love Music, I love the emotion music invokes. Through
3:00 pm. It is without a doubt DJ Bimshire is a very
music I can make someone who has had the worst day of
active ambassador of Barbados.
their life forget about it. Through music I am able to
provide a form of therapy. Making them feel good and
Q&A with DJ Bimshire:
forget the issues of the world, even if it’s just for a
Q: In what way is being a DJ beneficial to Barbados
moment.” says DJ Bimshire.
Shallun Evelyn aka DJ Bimshire always had a love for
A: I personally feel a sense of pride being a Bajan DJ here
music from a child which was passed on to him from his
in the United States. Hence, the reason why my DJ name
dad. But what really got him on this path was returning
is DJ Bimshire. I wanted everyone who were familiar
home to Barbados at the age of 13 when his cousin was a
with Barbados to be able to relate the name to my home,
DJ named DJ Gloves.
His cousin gave him his first
and for those who don't know they always ask me where I
Mixing Board and from there he fell in love with
got the name from and without reservation, I proudly
‘deejaying’. For DJ Bimshire when he did his first ever
explain it to them. Being a Bajan DJ in the United States I
blend, it was ‘probably’ horrible; but that was the moment
am able to introduce the patrons to my culture, to my
he decided to pursue this new found love whole heartedly.
home, and even though it may be for a brief moment I get
An official DJ for some 15 years; DJ Bismshire sees
to take them to Barbados through the music.
himself as an Entrepreneur. As he stated: “To be an
Q: What would you say are some of your greatest
effective DJ you have to be able to market yourself well,
challenges as an entrepreneur in this field?
and always consider every single gig as an opportunity to
professionally at all times is a must.”
A: I’ll point out one major challenge for me, and that is
getting up in the ranks internationally. There are a lot of
great DJ’s representing and holding it down around the
world who are at the top of their Game, and I have had
Bimshire very well, as he plays every week in
the privilege of working with a lot of them. For me just
Washington DC and in the City on weekends.
being among those names and continually expanding my
Wednesdays DJ Bimshire can be found at a party called
brand around the world that’s the biggest challenge I face.
Tipsy Wed, and on Saturdays at a Club called Bar7 and
Sundays at Eden. But, this does not even cover the
specialty events that DJ Bimshire do every month which
Q: How have you dealt with your business challenges or
how do you propose to deal with those challenges?
has taken him around the United States. Quite recently,
A: I plan to network continually; to give the patrons what
DJ Bimshire returned from Miami where he played music
they want which is good music and to continue spreading
at the Miami carnival. DJ Bimshire can also be heard
my brand around the world via the internet social media
every Friday on from 12:00 pm -
and via the events I do. | [email protected] | @BajanSunOnline