Gives Back Patriot
females at Baird in support of Baird Gives Back and their families. Members
the firm’s goal of becoming the demonstrates what it means partnered with Milwaukee
employer of choice for women. to lend a helping hand. This firms to host a Veteran Career
In 2018, this group participated group hosts a global week Forum to provide opportunities
in the Chicago Booth Women of caring that includes over for networking, social media
Connect Conference, where 1,700 associates and family branding, resume writing and
Baird was a sponsor to help members donating more than interview coaching.
create impactful networking 7,100 hours to 149 nonprofit opportunities that accelerate organizations.
Ascend seeks to expand
leadership opportunities for
Patriot supports members
of the U.S. military, veterans
women’s personal and
professional growth.
Prism Pulse Spectrum
Prism represents multicultural Pulse engages next-gen Spectrum provides Baird’s
diversity across the firm. millennials. The group LGBT+ associates and their
One of the group’s signature regularly hosts volunteer advocates with a network of
initiatives in 2018 was hosting events, and successfully peers and mentors. In 2018,
a Conexiones networking event partnered with United Way this group broke its previous
at Baird in partnership with for a winter care kit packing fundraising record and raised
the Hispanic Professionals event to help those in the local over $12,000 in support
of Greater Milwaukee to community. of AIDS Walk Wisconsin,
promote career development which provides HIV support,
opportunities for diverse prevention and treatment.