About Baird Foundation
Baird Foundation supports nonprofit In reflecting upon the work study
organizations aligned with our focus on program’s impact, Joe Koch, IT Service
health and human services, education, Support Manager, said, “The Cristo Rey
the arts, and diversity, which we believe program is extremely well run and has
share Baird’s strong commitment to been a great complement to Baird’s
equality and opportunity for all. Baird culture. It gives us the opportunity
Foundation is overseen by a board of to invest in the lives of our local
directors and includes representation youth while giving the students the
from across the firm. opportunity to develop as professionals.
As part of the firm’s ongoing
commitment to inclusion and diversity,
4.1 million
from a 2018 tax reform-related
associate benefit, contributed
to qualified nonprofit organizations
2018 Baird Foundation
Giving by Area of Focus
Health and Human Services: 35%
Education: 30%
Arts: 9%
Other * : 26%
*Includes ethnic, religious, environmental,
professional and youth organizations.
“I have learned so much about the
the Cristo Rey Network’s student work industry and expanding my professional
study program. The Cristo Rey Network capabilities. I appreciate how Baird
includes 35 high schools that provide a saw the potential in me from the very
quality college preparatory education first day and has always made me feel
with access to a corporate work study like an integral part of the team,” said
program to young people who live Cristo Rey intern, Victoria Rios. She is
in urban communities with limited one of six Cristo Rey interns in Baird’s
educational options. The network Milwaukee office, and will graduate
educates more than 12,000 students from Cristo Rey-Milwaukee’s inaugural
across 22 states. Baird’s involvement class in the spring of 2019. Nationwide,
with Cristo Rey’s work study program 100% of Cristo Rey graduates are
reflects a belief that education is an accepted to college.
increase access to opportunity.
proud to be part of it.”
multiple Baird offices are involved with
essential part of helping communities
It is truly a win-win situation and I’m
“It is remarkable to watch students
develop confidence, experience and
Every Cristo Rey student participates independence as they strengthen their
in a corporate work study program professional and networking skills,”
that provides them with real-world said Anna Sweet, who has mentored five
experience. In 2018, 17 students students in Baird’s Milwaukee office.
interned at Baird offices in Baltimore, “Baird’s work with Cristo Rey creates an
Chicago, Milwaukee, Roseville, unforgettable experience for students
Sacramento and Tampa. and associates alike, and that is what
drives the program’s success.”