• O
ne in every 50 people in the U.S. — an estimated
6 million people — has a brain aneurysm. • Worldwide, 500,000 people die of a ruptured
brain aneurysm, half of them under the age of 50.
• E
very year approximately 30,000 people in the
U.S. — including children and young adults — suffer
a ruptured brain aneurysm. • The combined lost wages of survivors of brain
aneurysm ruptures and their caretakers in the U.S. is an
estimated $138 million each year.
• F our of every ten people who have a ruptured
aneurysm die within the first 24 hours. • If a brain aneurysm is diagnosed early, it can be treated
before it ruptures.
• S even in ten survivors of a ruptured aneurysm suffer
permanent neurological deficits. • The federal government spends only $2 to $5 million
a year for brain aneurysm research but nearly $300
million a year for brain cancer research, even though
the prevalence and death rates of both are similar.
• B
rain aneurysms are more likely to rupture in
women (3 to 2 ratio), African-Americans (2.1 to 1 ratio),
and Hispanics (1.7 to 1 ratio).
The Brain Aneurysm Foundation is leading the way in brain aneurysm
awareness, education, support, advocacy, and research funding.
We urge you to please join us in our fight to save and improve the
lives of the millions affected by brain aneurysms.