BAF Funded Research | Page 10

BAF FUNDED RESEARCH GRANT PUBLICATIONS David Frakes, PhD Associate Professor, Arizona State University CLICK TO READ BIO GRANT RECEIVED 2010 Roseann Donato Chair of Research $10,000 2012 PUBLICATION 1. S  ystemic administration of LPS worsens delayed deterioration associated with vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage through a myeloid cell-dependent mechanism. 2013 PUBLICATION 1. L  ow-Dose Lipopolysaccharide Injection Prior to Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Modulates Delayed Deterioration Associated with Vasospasm in Subarachnoid Hemorrhage 2015 PUBLICATION 1. Neutrophil depletion after subarachnoid hemorrhage improves memory via NMDA receptors