Badassery Magazine September 2017 Issue | Page 42

About the Author
had taught them how to doubt themselves . Yet . The minute a child attempts to stand we cheer , clap , whoop and encourage them .
As we get older we meet a whole host of critics , our parents teachers , friends parents , cultural beliefs and expectations . All heaped onto our tiny forming minds . Mostly with love , laced with fear . Fear keeps us safe . It also keeps us trapped , small and existing rather than living .
Secondly , and this may technically be two things but WTF ? We attract what we expect and we teach people how to treat us . As Henry Ford once famously said “ Whether you think you can or you think you can ’ t you ’ re right ” We are all intuitive and smarter than we believe or give ourselves credit for .
That blissful day you planned for yourself ; the one you canceled because someone asked you to . That right there is the minute you taught them that you believe you are less important than anyone else . That you do not have the right to say No or to enjoy your life on your terms . That was the minute they learned that they can always put upon you and make unreasonable demands on you .
Or to put it in really simple terms . If there is one single person in your life that doesn ’ t make you feel amazing about yourself , you ’ re not loving yourself enough and it ’ s time to make some BIG changes . It ’ s time you believed in you . Time you started loving yourself , respecting yourself , setting boundaries , saying what you ’ re thinking ; time you stopped explaining or apologising for who you are , what you want and what you think . The time is now . You are ENOUGH .

About the Author

Hi Beautiful . I have a tendency to be super chatty and waffle so I ’ ll do my best to keep this short and sweet- like me . I grew up in a small town in a family who liked to remind me I was a waste of space and would amount to nothing . I chose to believe that for a REALLY long time . It led me to depression , a suicide attempt , homelessness . Now I ’ m a certified Happiness coach , a Theta Healing ® practitioner , co-creator of Sacred Soul Awakenings , a published writer , I ’ m building a Facebook community for awesome badass women who are ready to awaken their souls and embrace the sisterhood and I have a First Class ( hons ) BA . Take that Dyslexia . I live in the most magical city on Earth , Istanbul and I have NEVER been happier .

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