Badassery Magazine September 2017 Issue | Page 18

your mailing list? As an online biz owner, YOU may assume that a new visitor to your web- site knows what to do, but they may not... If they closed out of your pop-up, they may not even KNOW you have an email list. If they don't click your products/ services page, they may not even KNOW that you ALSO offer _____, which is ANOTHER problem they have. Guide yo' readers. With this 4-step strategic guide (that sounds more important that it really is, but it really is strategic), you'll be sure to design a perfect "About" page that is memorable, relatable, and cli- ent-centric. Always remember to leave a striking tagline that will make the visitor remember you, keep it about your ideal client as much as possible, and don't forget that call to action. If you're STILL looking for some- one to just write this page for you despite my method - shoot me an email: [email protected] (call to action example/shameless plug). But really, you got this. Keep on keepin' on, ladies!  About the Author Susan Stalte is the nutrition expert and virtual busi- ness consultant at As a Philadelphia na- tive coming from both a food and startup background, she specializes in supporting food industry profes- sionals when it comes to social media but writes copy for any and all. Rescue dog mom, food lover, and all around cut the fluff/get to the point-er.   17