Badassery Magazine October 2017 Issue 17 | Page 33

W e all know too well how hectic life can get. Without even con- sciously realizing it, we find ourselves being pulled by the current and we don’t know how to press ‘Pause’. On top of major life events we may be dealing with, each day brings forth its own set of planned or spon- taneous situations. While we cannot always control the outer experiences going on, we cer- tainly can control our responses to them. I am an empath, which means that I am extra suscepti- ble to stress and absorbing the energy in my environment. One of the greatest tools I’ve utilized to help keep me centered, stur- dy, and focused is grounding. Grounding is the practice of bringing our body, mind, and spirit back in alignment and rooted firmly into the Earth. It can be done in a number of ways, but here are some of my favorite practices: 1) Visualization: White Light This is a simple visualization meditation that only takes a few minutes. It is recommended to be seated upright. You close your eyes and imagine a white light pouring from above into the very top (crown) of your head. The light then pours down your body, through your spine, down your tail bone and into the earth. It is important to imagine the light pushing through the earth and then sprouting roots. The roots curl around the soil so they are firmly planted. You can add variations to this and imagine it however you’d like. The whole visualization takes me only 5 minutes and I do it every morn- ing when I wake up, to gently bring me back into this realm. 2) Moving Breath with Your Arms This practice is a simple breath- ing exercises paired with a few movements. You should also be sitting for this exercise. You start out with your hands out at shoul- der height. As you breathe, bring your arms up above your head. Have your hands come together (praying hands) as you complete your in-breath. Then, with your hands in prayer posi- tion straight abov e your head, breathe out as you bring them straight down to your chest. When you have fully exhaled, keep your hands by your heart for a moment. Definitely do not rush this exercise. Repeat the process 2-3 more times. Even at a slow pace, this also takes only 5 minutes. 3) Cold Water on Body This next activity might seem a 32