Badassery Magazine October 2017 Issue 17 | Page 22

held theories, or by using exist- ing ideas to discover entirely new ways to look at the universe. As Newton has reportedly said, “If I have seen further, it is by stand- ing on the shoulders of giants.” Using my earlier logic, stating that this young woman should be called the “first Pasterski” instead of the next Einstein might seem like a noble attempt at applauding her obvious bril- liance and individuality, but it would mean nothing to anyone not familiar with her or her work. It also discounts the idea that her discoveries are built on the foundations of those who came before, and so on. This in no way diminishes Pas- terski’s intelligence, skill or contributions - the ones she’s making now and those she will no doubt make in the future. I mean really... what the hell were YOU doing at 14 years old? To use a slightly different exam- ple, many believe - rightly as I see it - that Susan Sontag was a brilliant (if polarizing) writer and essayist. It takes nothing away from her achievements to point out that she didn’t invent the English language, nor did she invent the formats in which her words appeared. It seems like a silly thing to suggest, but it’s no different than trying to diminish a scientist’s discoveries because they were based on the work of others. (Something I once heard someone try to do.) Ladies and gentlebeings, we are indeed a comparative species, because it allows us to put val- ue into context. We require a benchmark, something to judge things and people against in order to understand its place in the universe. In an ideal world, we could accept things as valu- able simply on the strength of their very existence and by their own unique merits. However, this world is not at all ideal. It’s far more interesting than that. I do sincerely hope that some time in the future an article is written about another remark- able young person, proclaiming them to be the “next Pasterski.” Judging from what I’ve seen, that future looks quite possible.  About the Author Mackenzie Clench is a writer, creative instigator, author, agent provocateur and creator of absurd (but cool) job titles. He regu- larly kicking over the apple cart of "that's-the-way-it's-always- been-done" and giving the advertising intelligentsia aneurysms on a nearly daily basis. He believes 1 + 1 = 3, women are the future and that the coolest dinosaur is the thesaurus. He's currently on a mission to show that every single human-shaped human on this big blue marble is a walking, talking latte-sip- ping engine of creation. Mackenzie does not normally refer to himself in the third person, but will do so if asked nicely. Cook- ies work too.    21