Badassery Magazine Issue 9 January 2017 | Page 26

let my heart take the wheel ?”
On January 25th 2016 I wrote this public journal entry on a blog no one really knows about :
“ I depend on my logic for everything . To make all the decisions , to decide what is right and wrong , to know what to do next , to figure out what I ’ m feeling . Logic is good . However , logic can be a little too black & white . Logic lacks feeling , lacks emotion , lacks risk and adventure . The only adventures I ’ ve had were planned and safe . I live by my logic , but I envy those who run with their heart . Travel the world . Make mistakes . Try all the new things and do so openly . Those who jump before looking . I associate strongly with the character Spock . Half Vulcan , half human . I feel like he represents my inner struggle . When I let my heart lead the way in something , I question every move with my logic . I simply don ’ t know how to let go .”
At that point it was clear to me that I needed to be brave and let my heart take the wheel . Let my heart guide my life for a little while and see how that feels , see where that takes me , see how my life changes .
A time line from then to now :
I came up with my new life motto Heart take the Wheel in January 2016 . I never wrote in that journal again , even though there were plenty of blank pages left . I felt it was time for a new book . A new chapter .
In February I had a business idea , I shut it down because it came from the heart and I still wasn ’ t used to that .
With a few friendly pushes from a handful of people and a journaling session realizing that my logic brain was trying to take over again , I pursued it .
It felt more than right to assign my new life motto to this new business .
In March , Heart take the Wheel a stock photo membership site was born .
July 15th I quit my job and took all the money I had and left for Europe .
August 28th I returned home and two weeks later I started working full-time for myself with no money in the bank and a whole lot of determination .
As of now ( January 2017 ), I continue to work for myself fulltime . I won ’ t lie to you , depression isn ’ t something that just goes away because I quit my job . Depression is a part of me and shows up pretty much whenever it damn well pleases and sticks around however long it wants .