It’s challenging, scary and exhilarating all at the
same time.
So let me just share a little secret with you that will
make all the difference.
Come here…
A lil closer...
*Whispers* Gratitude.
It’s the secret sauce that will make this whole
journey that much more impactful and easier to
Gratitude when working towards your goals can
have an amazing impact on your perspective of
your trajectory.
Gratitude can pull you out of your low points and
help you soar higher during your high points.
Oxford dictionary defines gratitude as “the quality
of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation
for and to return kindness.”
It is gratitude that will keep you in the game when
the journey gets tough. It’s gratitude that will allow
you to be kind to yourself when life gets heavy.
So often it is easy for you to get caught up in the
“why me’s?!” *Insert ugly cry face* However, what
if you shouted out your gratitude for being in that
situation to begin with. I challenge you to think
about all of the people who don’t even have the
cojones to go after their goals.
Look at you already out here trying to make things
happen. So many people don’t even get out of
their heads, get out of the grasp of their fears, long
enough to make the progress you’ve made. So for
that, you should be grateful.
Grateful that you’re a badass who can’t be stopped.
Grateful that hard times come because they help
you appreciate the good times that much more. It’s
your perspective that dictates how long these bad
times last.
Gratitude is what will help shape your perspective.
Gratitude is what will keep you out there
crushing it.
Gratitude is what will keep you moving
Just think, how often when you’re in your low
points do you lose sight of what is going right in
your life?
Gratitude will keep you celebrating all the mini
victories that occur each day, mini victories that
push you closer to your goals.
It’s these mini victories that we so quickly and
easily lose sight of.
So how can you use gratitude to keep you moving
Check out my 3 badass tips to keep your head in
the game and moving forward towards your goal!
TIP 1:
Set an alarm to go off three
times a day that prompts you
to think of five things you’re grateful for. Don’t be
too serious about this and over-think it. Get silly.
Get impulsive. Have fun. Express gratitude for the
first five things that pop up in your head. Example:
That banana you grabbed on your way out the door
this am, your favorite shirt was clean enough to
wear, the kickass team meeting you led, you didn’t
have to wait for the treadmill at the gym, and today
was a good hair day!
TIP 2:
Celebrate your wins, big or
small! And I totally mean