Badassery Magazine Issue 12 May 2017 | Page 46

About the Author
fucked up shit destroy me . Gratitude is the answer , I think . Gratitude is everything . Being grateful for waking up and taking a breath in the morning is what it ’ s all about . Gratitude for the roof over your head , for the car you drive , for your kids , for your husband , for good sex , for good food , and for dry red wine , is everything . If none of those things had ever happened to me , I wouldn ’ t get to feel the peace that gratitude brings . It literally brings me peace . So I , oddly enough , have GRATITUDE for the fucked up shit that tried to destroy me . It brought me to where I am and made me the woman I am so I can ’ t help but be grateful . Make no mistake , I am glad it is all behind me but I am also glad I experienced all of it .
The moral of my story is to learn
gratitude . Gratitude saved my life and it can save yours . Sit down every day and really think about the things that you have that you can be grateful for . Make a list of at least ten things every day . It can be anything : your house , your car , the backyard , your kids , your husband , your wife , the orgasm you had yesterday , the wind in your hair , the sun on your face , your limbs , your tits , whatever ! It doesn ’ t matter . Big or small , all that matters is that you FEEL the gratitude in every cell of your being . It makes such a huge difference . You will smile more . You will feel more positive . Best of all , you will ATTRACT more beautiful and positive things to your life . Your grateful energy will bring more things to be grateful for and that my badass friends , is the key to NOT LETTING SHIT DESTROY YOU .

About the Author

Hi lovelies ! I am Melissa Bee . I am a fierce introvert who is passionate about mental health awareness and teaching people to turn their MESS into their MESSAGE . I am a mom to a gorgeous daughter Ella and I am married to a quirky Brit who goes by Wyndham . In addition to my human baby , I have a menagerie of fur-babies . I love to knit , read , play with makeup , and binge-watch TV medical dramas .
intothebeehive . wixsite . com / intothebeehive

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