Badassery Magazine Issue 12 May 2017 | Page 23

You know how there are some people who try to make themselves as small as possible , allowing people to squeeze them into the tiniest spaces ? Then there are folks who spread their shit out all over the place .

Take moment and check in : How much space do you take up in the world ?
The space someone takes up in the physical world is a reflection of how much space they take up energetically . If you ’ re a “ small space ” person , it ’ s likely that your aura — the energy field that surrounds you — is really close to your physical body . If your shit is everywhere , chances are that your aura is far , far away from your physical body . Neither of these is right or wrong , but neither , as a general rule , is the most beneficial .
You can think of your aura as your personal , private space . You know how it feels when someone you ’ re not intimate with gets physically too close ? It ’ s uncomfortable and can be rather scary . Yet when you ’ re trying to talk with someone and they ’ re too far away , it ’ s hard to communicate clearly .
Having an aura that ’ s too small can make you feel — consciously or unconsciously — claustrophobic , hemmed in and uncomfortable . A too-large aura opens you up to so much information , emotions , thoughts , etc . that you can feel — consciously or unconsciously — overwhelmed , negative and that everything is just too much .
The Big Deal is that your aura defines your space in the world . Your aura literally defines how much space you take up . The space from the outer edge of your aura inward is your space , your personal , private space over which you have complete and total authority . You get to say what comes in , what stays and for how long , and what you don ’ t want there at all . What you allow into your space dramatically affects how you feel , what you think , the choices you make and the overall patterns you keep repeating .
Unfortunately , most of us have no idea how big our aura is , how to control its size , how to choose what to allow in or how to move crap out that doesn ’ t serve us . But all this can be learned so that you become your own Badass Boss . The CEO . The Corner-Office-with-a-View Head Honcho of your own life
Yes , you can . And honestly , you must , because it puts you in control . You set the rules , and you get to enforce them .
Why would you want to do that ? Because it changes everything ! Abso-fuckin-lutely everything ! You become more calm , confident , secure , powerful and in charge . Life is easier . You ’ re less at the mercy of other people , their emotions and ideas about what they want you to be or do . You ’ re less vulnerable to what goes on around you , whether it ’ s what you pick up walking down the street or all the negative things going on in the world . You no longer have to listen to what your mom or dad told you ( unless you want to ). You are no longer a slave to the programming you ’ ve taken on from your family , friends , society or past lives . You become free because you are in charge .
How do you claim your space and gain authority over it ?
It ’ s not hard if you ’ re willing to meditate a bit , become best friends with your intuition , learn some techniques and put yourself first . That last one is the perhaps the most challenging , but when you start to experience how much better you feel , how much more clarity you have and how you live more authentically and in the flow of the Universe , you ’ ll see why putting yourself first isn ’ t selfish , it ’ s essential .
I teach whole courses on how to own and manage your personal space , and how to make the most of your freedom and authenticity , but here are some tips to get you started .
In my experience and after working with lots of clients , the most helpful distance for the outer edge of your aura to be from your physical body is about 18 inches , or about an arm ’ s length . Why ? Because it gives you enough space to be you but is small enough to be able to monitor and protect .