Badassery Magazine Issue 12 May 2017 | Page 14

to her clients. You have to be- lieve it deep inside of you. You have to be willing to be wild and crazy. Don’t worry about others. Don’t compare yourself to others. You have to do YOU! With all of the wild and crazy abandonment you can manage. You have to be barbarous! You have to tell the fear to go away. You don’t have time or energy for any of that negative mindset stuff that is holding you back. If it were a matter of life and death, would you be willing to put in the work to have a suc- cessful and thriving business? If it were a matter of life and death, would you be willing to ask a potential client for the sale? If it were a matter of life and death, would you be willing to put in the time and effort to shift your mindset, build your skills, and learn to be a leader? It is a matter of life and death. Remember those barbarians who had to not get killed? We still have to remember to not get killed, every day. Our Spirit dies a little bit every time we let fear dictate our actions. Our Spirit dies a little bit every time we choose to be conservative and worry about what others think. It is a matter of life and death. I’ve been there. Last year when my lease was up on my office/ clinic space I couldn’t sign a new one for some reason. I sat and listened to my body, my spirit, and my guides. The thought of signing that lease and continuing to run a clinic had me sitting in the corner in tears. I knew that if I signed that lease, a little bit of my Spirit would be dying every day. I knew in my heart that I needed to fully embrace the work that I had been doing with a few clients that brought both of us so much joy. I knew that I needed to embrace being wild and crazy. I knew that signing that lease was a matter of life or death. I chose life. I chose to be barbarous! Will you join me? Will you step into your power and be barba- rous? Will you be wild and crazy? Will you let your wild intuitive badass self shine every single day? Will you tell yourself every day that today is a day for living and thriving? Will you choose life?  About the Author Stephanie Smart is a Soul Song minister, energy medicine practitioner/teacher, and a spiritual director. She has been involved in learning and teaching the Ancient Arts for over 30 years. Stephanie helps her clients remem- ber the notes of their Soul Song and to create a life filled with joy, clarity, abundance, and dancing. Stephanie can be found on Facebook at The Dragon Mystic and her website 13