Badassery Magazine Issue 11 April 2017 | Page 25

W ant to quit your 9 to 5 job and start living the dream of working from home full-time? You TOTALLY have it in you to make it happen! However, before you make that leap, you’ll need to prepare for being a home-based business owner. Too many solopreneurs quit their 9 to 5 jobs without having a strategic plan of action in place for doing it… or without thinking it through! As a result, unfortunately a lot of them end up returning to the 9 to 5 life because they feel overwhelmed with working from home full- time. Let’s make sure that doesn’t hap- pen to YOU, okay? Before you escape the 9 to 5 life, be sure to ask yourself these six questions... idea. 2) Do you have a client base yet? It’s okay if you don’t have any clients yet. We all have to start somewhere! But if you haven’t worked with any clients yet, then you won’t know a) if you actually want to make a living from your business, or b) if your business idea is viable. Plus, having a few clients under your belt will make the prospect of transitioning out of your 9 to 5 job and into working from home that much less daunting. 3) What kind of timeline are you looking at in terms of when you’ll start working from home full- time? Create a plan of action for mak- ing your transition. If you don’t set yourself a goal date for when you’ll make the move from day job to home office, then you might find that months -- or, more likely, YEARS -- will go by without taking that leap! Set a goal and a timeframe for yourself to make that dream of working from home a reality. 4) Is your home office ready? If you’ll be working from home full-time, you’ll want to make sure your home office is all set up and ready for you! Your home office doesn’t need to be anything fancy, but you WILL want a dedicated office space (even if it’s just a corner of a room -- I live in a 700-square- foot open-concept condo so I TOTALLY get that space can sometimes be an issue!) so that 1) What type of services or prod- ucts will you offer? You’ll need a service or a product to make an income. So: what ser- vices and/or products will YOU choose? Be as specific as possible so you can determine whether you need to improve your skills or gain certification in your field. More- over, when you know what types of services and/or products you’ll offer to clients, you’ll be able to market those services/products much more effectively. If you’re not entirely sure what you want from your business just yet, then I recommend checking out this article which outlines exactly how to discover your perfect, profitable small business 24