Badassery Magazine Issue 10 March 2017 | Page 38

by Jen Pollard

Parent ’ s Guide to an Uber Sexy Bedroom

Yes , these still exist .

by Jen Pollard

Okay , stop me if you ’ ve heard this one . You ’ re young . Ish . At least you don ’ t remember getting older than 28 . But here are your nights : You ’ ve got kids . And they . Are . Tough . And exhausting . And God love them , they are sucking up all your energy .
At the end of your day , you stumble into your bedroom , turn on the TV or open your book for all of two minutes before you pass out . In your sweats . Not entirely sure if your partner is even on the other side of you .
Wake up the next morning with children jumping on you with glee waaaay too early in the morning and drag yourself out of your bed to start the routine all over again .
You know this scenario ? Yeah , me too . But you know what ? There are ways ( EASY ways ) to
37 spice up this routine . To get back in touch with your sexy side and believe me , that partner of yours ? They ’ ll notice too . C ’ mon , I want to show you how to spice up your bedroom . And what follows ? Well that ’ s up to you .
I believe in decorating for the senses . It ’ s not enough to LOOK pretty . It has to go way beyond that to be a living , breathing , room . So let ’ s start with the most sensual of senses : touch .
Skin is in fact your largest organ ( which I was COMPLETELY unaware of . I could have sworn it was some intestine or the other ). But it makes sense , right ? You feel things from the tippy top of your head all the way down to your toes . And all the delicious places in between . So let ’ s make that the first topic to tackle .
Bedding : the parts that will have the most contact with your body ( oh no , there are no clothes at this sexy bedroom party ). Make them soft , luxurious and serene . I suggest white , cream or other barely there color . To me ? Whites are the ultimate in luxury .
And , yes , I know , the kids . But these don ’ t have to be every day sheets . They can be the , “ oh yeah , let ’ s get this on ” sheets that are brought out on special occasions . The same goes for the duvet . White . Big . Fluffy . WASH- ABLE ! There is even a style that is super hot right now where duvets have a wrinkly lived in look . Perfect ! That just described your whole house ! It ’ ll fit right in ! Relax and enjoy .
Now let ’ s move on to visually sexy parts of your bedroom . Layers . Sumptuous textural layers . Add a throw at the foot of your bed . Imagine curling up your