Badassery Magazine February 2018 Issue 21 | Page 32

we have to be boys and girls , I just want to be a PERSON !” and “ I ’ m jealous of you that you feel like a girl , I feel like nothing , can ’ t I just be nothing ?” to which I would reply , “ Of course you can babe .” while deep down I was worried . I didn ’ t know how to handle this !
I was intimately familiar with issues of self-love , but this wasn ’ t like my mom saying she was a “ bad girl ” when she ate a cookie … I could deal with that . I had been actively hiding my self-loathing from my boy , who thankfully didn ’ t even know self-loathing was a thing … this was different , he was in PAIN . A pain I knew nothing about . I didn ’ t know where to start .
Google to the rescue ! I discovered the binary and gender spectrum and we FINALLY had the power of language to guide the conversation ! I always felt like labels were bullshit but in that moment , I saw the beauty of connection . My boy knew he wasn ’ t the only person alive who felt like he did ( previous to that moment , he actually thought he was !)
I know I already told you the story of how I stopped hating on myself but here ’ s the really cool part , as my boy came into himself , all of the lessons I ’ d taught him came to life THROUGH him and I finally GOT IT ! I could see a real-life 3-D version of active self-love and it blew my mind ! Seeing what It looked like for reals was a game changer for me !
I was great at redirecting my thoughts but still concerned myself with how others thought of me . I was still hung up on being accepted . He showed me that much like happiness , acceptance is an INSIDE job !
He has told me that he has dealt with some less than kind people but even when that happens he assumes that the asshole is the odd man out , not the other way around . WAY too often we assume that if one person is judging us that everyone is , but why do we stack the deck against ourselves like that !? What a powerful perspective shift AWAY from a victim mentality . He writes his story and it ’ s a GREAT one .
That moment in the mirror was nearly 5 years ago . I still redirect the occasional not-so-nice thought , I still actively judge myself less and love myself WAY more . I still think kittens are adorable … but now I do it with perspective . I now know what it looks like to truly not give a fuck what someone is thinking when they look at me . It ’ s pretty fucking cool .
Badass , if you find yourself letting the shit-show run the mic in your head please know that you can judge yourself less . You can love yourself more , and you deserve to ! You can redirect your thoughts and evict the squatters who are up to no good . No matter what story you ’ ve been telling yourself about how you will fit in , know , YOU get to write that story .
Sending Peace , Love , and MAGIC . �

Amber Brio

Amber Brio is a visionary , leading others to discover their innate MAGIC . She is a Catalyst Coach for spiritually gifted entrepreneurs . Incorporating intuitive healing , and pure Divine empowerment into business is what she was born for . Her work has been described as “ Magic in a time machine ”. Amber ’ s mission in life is to promote radical self-love and help others embrace their personal power ( a . k . a . Divinity ). To live raw and authentically . To raise the vibration of money and sex by releasing the stigmas and shame . To say FUCK YES to the things that inspire her and encourage others to do the same . Amber has the uncanny ability to connect on a soul level with her clients . She creates a secure safe place that becomes the platform for clients to break through barriers to personal transformation and expansion in every possible area of life . She believes in magic . She IS the epitome of her own work . Amber lives unabashedly in beautiful southern Utah with her equally magical son where she can be found dancing in a grocery store , climbing a mountain or swimming naked in a river ( weather permitting of course ). amberbrio . com � � � � � � �