Badassery Magazine August 2018 Issue 27 | Page 44

WHAT IS THE Badassery Lifestyle? BADASSERY IS MORE THAN JUST BUSINESS. IT'S A LIFESTYLE. by Kathy Rasmussen H ave you ever been so focused on one thing so much that your world could burn down around you and you wouldn’t notice? Like when you are cranking out content for a new course you are launching and trying desperately to meet a deadline. You are consumed. You sit hour after hour in front of your computer guzzling gallons of coffee so you don’t fall asleep. You don’t even take time to eat real meals; all you do is grab some chips and more coffee from the pantry and get back to your desk. You push yourself harder to meet your deadline. So hard, you get irritated at any form of interruption. Your kids are driving you insane and you can’t help but snap at them with any question or request. Your husband’s even been tiptoeing 44 • BADASSERY MAGAZINE around so he doesn’t set you off. Then, before you know it, your head starts pounding. Your throat gets itchy. Your energy drops and you feel the aches taking over your body. All you want to do is wrap yourself in a comforter and hide out in bed for a week. Ugh! This is not fair. I’ve got work to do! Guess what?!? That flu you just got was the Universe’s way of saying your life is out of alignment. Do you really want to put stress on your marriage, scar your children, and put yourself out of commission for a week because you are ill? I didn’t think so. Badassery isn’t all business all the time. Badassery is a lifestyle. BADASSERY DEFINED Here at Badassery Magazine, we use the Urban Dictionary definition of Badassery. It says, “Engaging in seemingly impossible activities and achieving success in a manner which renders onlookers completely awestruck.” Just typing this makes me want to scream YAAASSSSSSS at the top of my lungs. That definition says so much. Let’s take “Engaging in seemingly impossible activities” for example. How many things do you do that fit this description? Maybe you started a business after you got laid off from your corporate job. Perhaps you are a single mom and work a full time job and have a side hustle. Wow! You are doing it! But, it also doesn’t say a few