Badassery Magazine April 2018 Issue 23 | Page 57

“T he scariest moment is always just before you start.” ― Stephen King, On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft “‘Real’ artists are people who have learned to create despite their fears.” ― Julia Cameron, The Miracle of Morning Pages: Everything You Al- ways Wanted to Know About the Most Important Artist's Way Tool You can’t be a writer if you don’t write. The phrase came to me in- tuitively as I was feeling a lot of self-doubt and frustration at my lack of “being a writer.” I realized that I hadn’t been writing, and it was because I was afraid. I had all these ideas that I know belong in the world, but I am my great- est obstacle. I had been afraid of opening up about my mental health and stepping into the shoes of a full time activist and advocate. I learned about deeply rooted fears I had about speaking my truth, be- ing visible, and making myself ac- cessible. to make sure you write when the moment strikes. I also use Ever- note,, and occa- sionally Scrivener for larger proj- ects. If you haven’t heard of these tools, go look them up! Having these tools is also imperative for the next tip. 2. Make a List of Topics Ahead of Time It can be difficult going through magazines, journals, or blogs that you want to be published in and coming up with something to write for them on the fly. I keep a master spreadsheet in Google Docs of all the publications I want to write for. This also helps me stay organized if I do monthly submissions for publications every single month. I keep a list of topics, and categorize them by which publications they could appear in. Sometimes my subjects are incredibly niched, like sex poetry, and others are broad like business tips or mental health topics. I make sure I know when deadlines are, and every week or two I dump my writing topics from the previous tip into my maste rspreadsheet. 3. Create a Routine The hardest part of writing is actu- ally sitting down to do the writing. Creating a routine was a life chang- er. Some authors will talk about writing the first 4 hours of waking up, but I don’t think that’s neces- sary. What is necessary is finding at least 30 minutes to just sit and write. If you can make that happen at the same time every day, awe- some! If not, that’s okay too! I’m a mom with multiple side hustles, and morning routines irk me be- cause I really love sleep. I haven’t been able to get up earlier than necessary to have writing time, but I’ve found that I can usually carve out 30 minutes to write after my son gets on the school bus and before I leave for one of my on-site projects I’ve been working on. As a result, I came up with some handy tips for myself to JUST GET WRITING. I’m sharing them with you because I know I’m not the only writer in the world strug- gling to share a message the world needs. 1. Have Accessible Writing Tools This will look different for every- one, but the idea is that you’re always able to write when great ideas come to you. For me, it means always carrying a pocket sized Moleskine cahier, a BIC ball- point pen, and keeping the Voice Memo app on my phone’s home screen. There are so many incred- ible tools and resources out there 56