First Swing at BREC offers newbies a crash course
First Swing is a golf
beginners and newcomers to the
game. This may include golfers
that have tried to take up the
game for years but can’t seem
to really get started in a fun and
effective way.
Primarily, this program works
to gradually transition golfers
into a more productive effort to
learn and play golf. Clinics focus
on three major areas of the golf
game: full swing, short game
approach shots to the green,
and putting. To get the most out
of the learning process, golfers
need to follow up each clinic
they attend with a steady dose of
Those who attend a First
Swing session will work with
a pro and peers and set up
opportunities to go on to the
golf course and start getting
some play time in; these sessions
are known as Newbie League
and will generally get started
along with First Swing Clinics.
Principally, it begins with a few
holes, a few selected clubs, and
shorter tees to the green… then,
gradually more clubs and further
distances are added. It is about
transitioning through mastering
certain levels at a time.
What’s being taught? Basic
fundamental skills in the full
swing, short game (close to and
around the green), and putting.
Golfers that invest in instruction
in these aspects early in their
development will find they will
learn the game twice as fast as
trying to learn on their own or
on the advice of their friends
or relatives. The Full Swing is
May 3rd at JS Clark: 5:30basically the golf swing, short
game is the approach and 7:30 p.m.: Full Swing
May 9th at Webb: 5:30-7:30
recovery part of the game 50
yards and in, and putting is the p.m. Putting
May 16th at City Park: 5:30fine art of finally getting the ball
7:30 p.m.: Short Game
in the hole on the green.
May 17th at Santa Maria:
5:30-7:30 p.m.: Full Swing
How to register and
Newbies League is a
supplement to First Swing
There are several ways to Clinics as participants in the
register. You can register on- clinics now start transitioning
line by going to www.brec,org, on to the golf course by learning
clicking EVENT, next click how to practice, improve, and
Registration & Login, a green bar play with peers as they develop
will appear just below the BREC into the Spring and Summer
Logo, click SEARCH, down will months. Alternating with First
pop various golf events… pick Swing, sessions will be held:
March 8th at JS Clark Driving
the one you want. Or you can
e-mail the Golf Development Range: Swing Instruction 5-6
manager at [email protected] and p.m.; Playing Instruction 6-7
he will direct you how you can p.m.
March 22nd at Beaver Creek:
register and pay for the clinic(s)
you wish to attend. There is a Swing Instruction 5-6 p.m.;
limit on the number of attendees Playing Instruction 6-7 p.m.
April 11th at City Park: On
for each clinic; the first 8
course play time beginning at 4
attendees to register.
p.m. until dark
Cost of each clinic: $20
April 18th at Webb: On
February - May 2016: First
Swing and Newbies League First course play time beginning at 4
Swing Clinics are primarily for p.m. and last until dark.
May 2nd at Clark: On course
newcomers or golfers seeking to
become regular players but need play time beginning at 4 p.m.
deeper training in the basics of until dark
May 10th at Dumas: On
the game. Involves instruction
in putting, short game, and full course play time beginning at 4
p.m. until dark
There will be a 9-hole green
March 1st at JS Clark Driving
Range: 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Full fee at the given course for any
rounds played. Some instruction
Swing and Putting
March 15th at Beaver Creek: will be under the lights at JS
5:30-7:30 p.m.; Full Swing and Clark and Beaver Creek.
Short Game
April 25th at Webb: 5:30-7
p.m.: Putting
April 26th at City Park: 5:307 p.m.: Short Game