a new and improved
holiday plan
Carrie Higgs
We often do one of two things when thinking of
holiday eating – we deny ourselves grandma’s great
cooking, or we promise we will handle it after the
New Year.
“The after the New Year idea seldom works,”
says Physical Therapist Scott Higgs of Ponchatoula
Therapy. “People ignore their health during
November and December, and their bodies pay for
it. It deposits those calories as fat long before we
decide to start working it off.”
Higgs says that workout facilities stay open due
to the amount of people signing up after the first of
the year. But oftentimes, people stop going almost
immediately, if they actually ever go at all.
“We make all these promises to ourselves during
the holidays and then write out the check,” he says.
“And signing the check is the extent of the exercise
that has anything to do with the gym.”
And thus, the pounds remain, and the holidays
are here to stay. Not exactly the meaning of wanting
Scott Higgs
Christmas to last forever, huh? And on the other
hand, completely avoiding holiday over-eating is
next to impossible.
Higgs suggests either controlling portions or
changing the ingredients in favorite recipes in order
to help curb packing on holiday pounds. Sure,
you’ve heard that before, and it all sounds good, but
what if it doesn’t taste right?
Well, Higgs says to try it before you bring it
over to “that” aunt’s house and allow the family to
judge it. Don’t use the real butter, make sure you
grab lowfat options and check out healthy online
alternative recipes and ingredients. We have a
wealth of information at our fingertips, and if you
can’t Google it, download the Pinterest app.
And Higg’s last suggestion – go shopping! “Take
the stairs,” he says. “Walk from store to store and
enjoy the holiday season. It’ll be good for the spirit
and the body. But remember that too much spirit
might not be all that great for the checkbook.”
Holiday 10-Minute Workout
Occupational Therapist Carrie Higgs says there
are several exercises that can help avoid the holiday
pounds. If done all at once, they can also provide
a cardio workout that will help burn calories and
avoid the heavyweight punch of holiday eating.
• 50 air squats – Stand with feet shoulder width