Committee may make a Local Rule allowing
players to use a distance-measuring device.”
Opposite to this, forthcoming Rule 4.3a(1)
[Allowed and Prohibited Uses of Equipment:
Distance and Directional Information] points
out that the Committee may adopt a Local
Rule prohibiting the use of distance-measuring
Now Per current Rule 12-1 [Seeing Ball;
Searching for Ball], a player is subject to penalty under
Rule 18-2 [Ball at Rest Moved by Player …] if he or she
accidentally moves the ball while searching for it in the
rough. Per forthcoming Rule 7.4 [Ball Accidentally Moved
in Trying to Find or Identify It], there is no penalty if the
player’s ball is accidentally moved by the player, opponent
or anyone else while trying to find or identify it!
6. Then Currently, Rule 13-4 [Ball in
Hazard; Prohibited Actions] prohibits the
player from touching or moving a loose
impediment lying in or touching the hazard
when the player’s ball is in the same hazard.
On the other hand, forthcoming Rule 15.1a
[Removal of Loose Impediment] states, in part,
“Without penalty, a player may remove a loose
impediment anywhere on or off the course, and
may do so in any way (such as by using a hand
or foot or a club or other equipment).”
7. Then Currently, Rule 26-1c(ii) [Relief
for Ball in Water Hazard] allows the player to
Now Open!
drop a ball within two club-lengths of, and not
nearer the hole than, a point on the opposite
margin of the water hazard equidistant from
the hole. Forthcoming new
R u l e
17.1d(3) [Relief
Lateral Relief
(Only for Red
Penalty Area)]
points out that
the Committee
may adopt a
allowing lateral
relief on the
opposite side of
a red penalty
area at an equal
the hole.