Backspin April_2018 | Page 9

letter Wow! Spring! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! It was a long winter for us this year. Freezes, refreezes, thaws, yikes! It was cold. I forgot we had winters down here, but 2017 reminded us. And Backspin’s picture intake was slow over the winter too. Guess golf wasn’t exactly on folks’ minds. But this issue will remind you that it’s time for golf ! The weather has been beautiful, and while I know the first week of April is a little back-and-forth, we are certainly looking forward to the many tournaments and events. Check out this month’s calendar for a long list of upcoming events. Please send us your fliers so we can add them. We have always offered this service, and I think you’re finally realizing that we mean free when we say we run tournament fliers free of charge. Our hope is to grow the game of golf, and fliers help us do that. A couple of reminders for parents. Gosh, I wish there was a PGA League when Shayne was younger. He loved golf, and he loved baseball. He went to a few dad-sponsored golf camps, but the League wasn’t available to him. What fun these kids are having. The team environment that seems to have caught on in golf is creati ng excitement in the game. And those camps are just around the corner. To the teaching and club professionals, please send us information so we can publish it in May’s issue. We love doing that for our Backspin parents. Speaking of the team environment, we have dedicated a pretty big amount of space for the Zurich Classic. Check it out if you’re looking to see who’s playing, how you can volunteer and the ticket packages available. This TOUR stop is one that players are starting to enjoy more and more as evidenced by new teams and big name. I would like to take a moment to thank John Schneider for giving me a tour of John Schneider Studios in Holden. We have featured him before as a golfer, but he’s had to hang his clubs up for a while due to flood cleanup. After working hard to build his dream studio, the August 2016 Louisiana floods drowned many of his memories and hard work. He didn’t quit though. Check out his story in this month’s issue. It’s certainly inspiring. I’m doing spring cleaning this month and hope to hit a few balls with Shayne this month. Get outside! It’s going to be a great spring! Amber P.S. Unfortunately, we did lose my grandfather last month. He never came back from the stroke. Thank you to all of you who sent messages of encouragement for our family. We miss him, but we know he’s dancing with my grandmother now. He missed her so. 9