Backchat Magazine Sep. 2014 | Page 20

ABOUT PAST ISSUES ADVERTISE PANDORA PROJECT CONTACT TAKE ACTION • 3 out of 4 teenage girls feel depressed, guilty and shameful after spending just 3 minutes looking through a fashion magazine . • 56% of TV commercials aimed at female viewers use beauty as a product appeal. • The average teenager spends almost 11 hours per day consuming some form of media, whether it’s websites, radio, TV, films, magazines, music or social media. It’s coming at them from every angle. LIFE ORIENTATION LESSON ONE / LESSON PLAN We provide suggestions for class discussion, pre and post-viewing questions, an infographic poster to stick up in class in Life Orientation class. This lesson is appropriate for both boys and girls. TWO / DOCUMENTARY SCREENING The fascinating documentary, Killing Us Softly: Advertising’s Image of Women, is provided to be screened in class. THREE / HOMEWORK A link to our ‘Take Action’ page in Backchat magazine. This gives learners four options to choose from when completing their homework assignment. Girls feel fine about themselves when they are 9, 10 years old. But they hit adolescence, and they hit a wall. And certainly part of this wall is this terrible emphasis on physical perfection. But what if we could put a stop to that? What if we could prevent girls from becoming enslaved by the media’s ideals before their self-esteem is jeopardized? Backchat is part of The Pandora Project, a campaign that blows the lid off of the media’s negative image of women. Centered around schools in South Africa, the campaign aims to teach young teens between the ages of 11-15 years old, to not let the media dictate who they think they ought to be. Backchat magazine forms a huge part of this campaign. One does not need to be brainy or beautiful. One can absolutely be both and so much more. WANT PANDORA PROJECT AT YOUR SCHOOL? email [email protected]