Backchat Magazine Sep. 2014 | Page 16

ABOUT PAST ISSUES ADVERTISE PANDORA PROJECT CONTACT TAKE ACTION ACTION! take 1 2 3 4 WRITE IT MAKE IT SAY IT STOP IT Seen a TV commercial you think is sexist? Has an awful magazine cover? Got some great opinions to share? Re-create it in a non-objectifying way, with clever, clean headlines and decent images. Once you’re done, scan it into your computer and email it to the mag show them how it should be done! Grab a bunch of friends, set up a video camera and have a discussion about the harmful effects the media has on us. Once you’re done, edit it and upload it to youtube. Is a particular piece of advertising bothering you? Write a letter to the TV channel broadcaster letting them know how you feel. Every voice and opinion counts, especially yours. Whether you’re on this page for homework, as part of Pandora Project, or you simply feel the need to participate in some or other, please feel free to use these ideas as guidelines to form your own stance against negatove media. CONTENTS If you feel it’s a really innapropriate campaign, why no create a petition about it. Once you’ve got enough signatures, draft a letter to the company who’s ad it is and explain your issues.