Baby Maternity Retailer June 2021 | Page 10


NATURAL COTTON WASHABLE WIPES by : NuAngel Inc . Washable and reusable baby wipes made from hypoallergenic 100 % natural cotton ! Made in the USA . NuAngel . com
SILICONE BABY BOTTLE by : PERRY MACKIN Anti colic Perry Mackin silicon bottle is made with 100 % natural silicon . perrymackin . com
MILLIE QUILTED NAP MAT by : Janiebee Quilted Nap Mats Gorgeous all in one Nap Mat in green pink and charcoal . Sweet Dreams ahead ! janiebee . com
HASSLE FREE DIAPERS by : Tidy Tots Diapers Swim inserts , Boosters for overnights , and Secured liners that stay put . Just flush away the mess ! tidytotsdiapers . com
ROSEMARY RESPIRATORY RUB by : Punkin Butt Soothe your baby when they are under the weather with this amazing chest rub formulated just for little ones ! punkinbutt . com
BUNDLE OF DREAMS by : Bundle of Dreams , LLC Organic cotton , water repellent cover , eco-friendly , and 100 % breathable , crib mattresses . Greenguard gold . bundleofdreams . com
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