Baby Maternity July 2022 | Page 27



Like any expecting parents , NICU parents dreamed of how the end of pregnancy would be , wrote a birth plan , and envisioned how the first few hours after birth would go . Mom looked forward to nursing her child , bringing home a healthy newborn , and starting life with the new addition to their family . When baby is in the NICU , the experience is very different . Moms may grieve the loss of the end of the pregnancy and feel jealousy towards other mothers who carried their babies full term and experienced a typical birth with big , healthy babies . It is frustrating to have to wait for the appropriate time to feed your baby , ask for help picking him up , and worry about germs when he comes home due to lower immunity . Feelings a sense of loss over these things is totally normal . Acknowledge your feelings and talk them through with a loved one or a professional counselor . In time you can begin to set new dreams and goals for your family ’ s future


Fear is a common response to having a baby in the NICU , and it is totally normal . Most parents do not have previous experience with the NICU and this creates a fear of the unknown . Parents worry their child will have long term medical issues or that they are not capable of caring for them at home . The nurses and doctors are there to explain things to you and help you understand what is going on . Their goal is for you to feel comfortable caring for your child , both in the hospital setting and after it is time to go home .