Baby Maternity August 2023 | Page 11

Let ’ s make some goals instead . Goals to reclaim ourselves . I ’ ve gotten so wrapped up in being a mother I feel like I ’ ve completely lost my own identity along the way . Here are some ideas for becoming more than a mom again .
1 . Go to the bathroom alone at least once a day .
Shut the door . Lock it . Do your business in peace . Or just sit on the floor criss cross applesauce and pretend you are doing gross , stinky stuff so everyone should stay clear . Your call . Work your way up to showering - or even a bubble bath ! - all alone . Solitary bathroom time is a basic human dignity . Let ’ s take it back for ourselves this year !
2 . Get a solid night of sleep sometime in the next month . Sleep is so important for overall health and well being . I don ’ t think I ’ ve had a great night of sleep since becoming a mother - except for on those rare occasions I ’ m away from home without child . Even a sleep study felt like a luxury vacation ! You need sleep so you can feel your best to tackle your goals . Send the little ones to grandma ’ s or leave everyone at home with dad and check yourself into a hotel for the night . Get some precious sleep .
3 . Do something that makes you feel pretty each morning . Put on your favorite earrings , red lipstick or dab of perfume . Sometimes brushing my teeth is all I can manage , so I like to use a fancy pink grapefruit toothpaste ( that I just happened to get a ton of free at a blogging conference ). Start the day off doing something special just for you before you start being torn a million different directions . You are worth it .