Baby Maternity August 2022 | Page 19

Here are 5 Top Products for Soothing Baby During Cold and Flu Season :
Here are 5 Top Products for Soothing Baby During Cold and Flu Season :
1 . Humidifier - At the top of every new baby gift registry , these provide relief for cold and flu symptoms , increase air moisture for easier breathing and a good night ’ s sleep . They are also great for allergy or asthma sufferers .
2 . Nasal Aspirator - These devices provide an easy , natural way to decongest baby ’ s delicate nose . The standard bulb and battery-powered aspirators work well but there are several new devices that use your own suction to draw mucus out of the baby ’ s nose .
3 . Chest Rubs - Traditionally a vapor rub with menthol , petroleum and other harsh ingredients is used as a topical cough and cold medicine . When used as directed , chest rubs have less side effects and are considered safe to use on infants and children . All Natural Chest Rubs are petroleum , menthol , drug , chemical and paraben free so they are safe , gentle and effective for ages 3 months and up .
4 . Facial Wipes - Every parent knows the struggle of wiping the runny nose of a fussy , sick baby . A dry tissue can be ineffective and many wipes have a harsh scent or bad taste if it gets in baby ’ s mouth .