Babs BookMark Issue 2 | Page 90

Roscoe’s place. Kacey. He remembered her now. She was divorced and in the market for husband number two. Or was that three? They’d had a bit of fun for about a week, then she started showing up unannounced and uninvited at the ranch. That tore it for Grady and he politely invited her to leave, told her he was headed out of town and maybe he’d see her when he came back. He hadn’t, as she accused, lied to her. But he supposed he hadn’t been entirely honest either. When he left, he never gave her another thought and probably wouldn’t have if he hadn’t run into her. But that was the way of things in his life. He didn’t get attached, never made commitments, and never ever asked a woman to wait for him because he knew without any doubt that whenever it was he came home, he wouldn’t be walking back into her arms. He wasn’t a happily-ever-after kind of man. His brand of forever wasn’t something a person aspired to achieve. Not by a long shot.